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General Undergraduate Information

Program of Study

The Department of Mathematics & Statistics offers Bachelor of Science degrees in both Mathematics and Statistics. For the B.S. degree in Mathematics the Department offers the following areas of concentration: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, and Mathematics Education. Minors in Mathematics or Statistics are also offered.

For full information on the programs of study offered at the Department of Mathematics & Statistics see the  UNM Catalog.

If you are a current student needing advisement please visit our Advisement Section for more information.

Research Opportunities

Our undergraduate students engage in research through undergraduate research programs (REU), participation in the annual undergraduate research conference (SUnMaRC), and supervised research projects with faculty at the Department or other units  (see also the recently student organized Directed Reading Program (DRP)). Much of the output of these undergraduate research projects can be seen in the resulting honors theses of our students. Recent theses are available at the undergraduate research page.

Undergraduate students in our department have gone to graduate schools and on to successful careers in the mathematical sciences: in academia, industry, national laboratories, government, as teaching professionals: in K12 education, colleges, and universities across the US and the world; as data analysts: working in hospitals, insurance companies and start-ups.

Extracurricular Activities 

The Department has an active UNM Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Student Chapter and a UNM Society of Undergraduate Math Students.

Each December interested students may participate in the Putnam Exam, which is a prestigious national mathematics competition for undergraduare students.