This page archives previous Colloquium and Seminars. For the current semester see either the calendar or events pages.
Algebra and Geometry
Fall 2024
- August 21, 2024, William Taylor (Tennessee State University) New Variations on Integral and Frobenius Closure
- August 28, 2024, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Differential powers of ideals in affine semigroup rings
- September 4, 2024, Kyle Maddox (University of Arkansas) Buchsbaum theories for Frobenius and tight closure
- September 11, 2024, Tom Gannon (UCLA) Quantization of the Ngô morphism
- September 19, 2024, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Differential powers of ideals and the signature of an affine semigroup ring
- September 26, 2024, Olivia Strahan (University of Michigan) Combinatorial recipes for rings in mixed characteristic
- October 2, 2024, Sarah Percival (UNM) Bounding the Interleaving Distance of Geometric Graphs with a Loss Function
- October 16, 2024, Janet Page (NDSU) Smooth surfaces with maximally many lines
- October 23, 2024 Lance Miller (University of Arkansas) Isogeny-Torson graphs for elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields
- October 30, 2024 Michael DiPasquale (NMSU) A bridge between the algebra and geometry of hyperplane arrangements
- November 6, 2024 Ben Betts (UNM) Egyptian Fractions
- November 13, 2024 Shuai Wei (UNM) Differential operators on varieties
- November 14, 2024 Jungbang Liu (Stony Brook) Relative uniform estimates for complex Monge-Ampere type equations
- November 20, 2024 Garrett Shields (UNM) Power closed ideals on C[x] and C[x^{\pm}]
- November 27, 2024 Galen Novello (UNM) Some Functional Analysis and A Harnack Inequality for the Fractional Laplacian in Homogeneous groups
Spring 2024
- January 24, 2024, Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Overdetermined problems in groups of Heisenberg type
- January 31, 2024, Pablo Raúl Stinga (Iowa State University) A PDE approach to the construction of surfaces of minimum mean curvature variation
- February 7, 2024, Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Overdetermined problems in groups of Heisenberg type II
- February 14, 2024, Galen Novello (UNM) On some Inequalities and related geometric measure theory questions on homogeneous groups
- February 21, 2024, Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Overdetermined problems in groups of Heisenberg type III
- February 28, 2024, Mary Sandoval (Trinity College) Do the Hodge Spectra Distinguish Orbifolds from Manifolds?
- March 20, 2024, Jérôme Vétois (McGill University) Existence and uniqueness issues for the Q-curvature equation on closed Riemannian manifolds
- March 27, 2024, Sam Auyeung (Trinity College) Fixed-Point Floer Cohomology and Zariski’s Multiplicity Conjecture
- April 4, 2024, Cheikh Ndiaye (Howard University) A complete variational theory for Yamabe type problems
- April 10, 2024, Jonathan Fraser (University of St Andrews) Assouad dimension of limit sets of Kleinian groups
- April 17, 2024, Vittorio Martino (Università di Bologna) Some compactness and existence results for the Dirac-Einstein equations
- April 24, 2024, Xavier Ramos Olivé (Smith College) Eigenvalue Estimates Under Integral Curvature Conditions
- May 1, 2024, Rémi Robin (INRIA) Some optimization problems for magnetic confinement in stellarator
Fall 2023
- August 23, 2023, Alex Buium (UNM) Analogies between numbers and functions
- August 30, 2023 Sarah Poiani (UNM) What's up with pair operations?
- September 6, 2023 Austin Bell (UNM) Interpolation between Closure Operations in Commutative Algebra
- September 13, 2023, Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) On some diffusion problems of interest
- September 20, 2023, Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) On some diffusion problems of interest, Part 2
- September 27, 2023, Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) On some diffusion problems of interest, Part 3
- October 4, 2023, Shuai Wei (UNM) Differential operators on monomial rings
- October 18, 2023, Des Martin (Syracuse University) On the splitting of the 2nd exterior power of the conormal module from Tor
- October 25, 2023, Michael Morrow (University of Kentucky) Finite Computation of Gröbner Bases for OI-Modules
- November 1, 2023, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Differential simplicity in affine semigroup rings
- November 8, 2023, Alex Buium (UNM) Coupling-based invertible neural networks are universal diffeomorphism approximators
- November 15, 2023, Gari Lincoln Chua (UNM) Classification of Projective Varieties and the Minimal Model Program
- November 29, 2023, Gari Lincoln Chua (UNM) Classification of Projective Varieties and the Minimal Model Program, Part 2
- December 6, 2023, Austin Bell (UNM) Galois Theory in the Differential Setting
Spring 2023
- January 25, 2023, Andrew Stump (UNM) Convolution Neural Network on Manifolds
- February 1, 2023, Andrew Stump (UNM) Convolution Neural Network on Manifolds (II)
- February 8, 2023, Andrew Stump (UNM) Convolution Neural Network on Manifolds (III)
- February 22, 2023, Rahul Dutta (UNM) Modular Surface and Continued Fractions
- March 1, 2023, Andrew Stump (UNM) Convolution Neural Network on Manifolds (IV)
- March 8, 2023, Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- March 22, 2023, Zetian Yan (Penn State University) Improved Sobolev inequalities on CR sphere
- March 27, 2023, Tom Gannon (UCLA) A Proof of the Ginzburg-Kazhdan Conjecture
- April 26, 2023, Hongnian Huang (UNM) BERT
Fall 2022
- August 31, 2022, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Compatible and fixed ideals
- September 7, 2022, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Monomial ideals in affine semgroup rings fixed by a differential operator
- September 14, 2022, Anna Brosowsky (University of Michigan) The Cartier core map for Cartier algebras
- September 28, 2022, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Forming new closures/interiors
- October 5, 2022, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Basically full closure and basically empty interior
- October 12, 2022, Shuai Wei (UNM) Cohen-Macaulay Type of f-weighted r-Path Ideals
- October 19, 2022, Louiza Fouli (NMSU) The depth function for monomial ideals
- October 26, 2022, Sarah Poiani (UNM) Prereductions and Postexpansions
- November 2, 2022, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Jumping numbers for monomial ideals in normal affine semigroup rings
- November 14, 2022, Lance Miller (University of Arkansas) Derived jet and arc spaces
- November 16, 2022, Austin Bell (UNM) Completions and Categories Oh My!
- November 30, 2022, Galen Novello (UNM) Nonlocal methods for fractional operators in homogeneous groups
Spring 2022
- January 26, 2022, Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) On some properties of solutions to non-local PDEs
- February 2, 2022, Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) On some properties of solutions to non-local PDEs, II
- February 9, 2022, Gabriel Gress (UNM) The Kakeya Conjecture over the Heisenberg Group
- February 16, 2022, Jeffrey Case (PSU) The bigraded Rumin complex
- February 23, 2022, Ali Maalaoui (Clark University) Q'-curvature and Spectra on Pseudo-Einstein 3-manifolds
- March 2, 2022, Zicheng Qian (Toronto) Moduli of Fontaine-Laffaille modules and a mod p local-global compatibility result
- March 9, 2022, Marcin Sroka (Jagiellonian University) HKT from HK metrics
- March 23, 2022, Nikola Kamburov (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) Nontrivial solutions to Serrin's problem in annular domains
- March 30, 2022, Xiaolan Nie (Zhejiang Normal University) Schwarz lemma: the case of equality and an extension
- April 6, 2022, Bin Guo (Rutgers University) Uniform estimates for complex Monge-Ampere and fully nonlinear equations
- April 13, 2022, Rebecca R.G. (George Mason University) Canonical forms of neural ideals
- April 27, 2022, Annunziata Loiudice (University of Bari) Brezis-Nirenberg type problems in elliptic and subelliptic contexts
- May 4, 2022, Nicolas Berkopec (UNM) P-derivations, Jet Operators and Ring Schemes.
Fall 2021
- August 25, 2021, Nicolas Berkopec (UNM) Density of elliptic Dedekind sums
- September 1, 2021, Jenn Qian (UNM) Kahler metric of symplectic toric manifolds
- September 8, 2021, Jenn Qian (UNM) Kahler metric of symplectic toric manifolds, II
- September 15, 2021, Jenn Qian (UNM) Kahler metric of symplectic toric manifolds, III
- September 23, 2021, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Properties of pair operations
- September 30, 2021, Janet Vassilev (UNM) Dualizing pair operations
- October 6, 2021, Ruoci Sun (Georgia Tech), Complete integrability of the Benjamin--Ono equation on the multi-soliton manifolds
- October 13, 2021, Rishi Nath (CUNY) The many meanings of 3-core partitions
- October 27, 2021, Alex Buium (UNM) Arithmetic Riemannian geometry and arithmetic PDEs
- November 17, 2021, Taylor Dupuy (University of Vermont)
- December 1, 2021, Abdel Mohamed (UNM) The Positive Mass Theorem and an Application in Geometry
- December 8, 2021, Lihan Wang (Cal State University, Long Beach), Hear the Shape at infinity
Spring 2021
- January 27, 2021, Lance Miller (University of Arkansas) Log canonical thresholds of generic links of determinantal varieties
- February 3, 2021, Lance Miller (University of Arkansas) Prismatic cohomology
- February 10, 2021, Lance Miller (University of Arkansas) Prismatic cohomology II
- February 17, 2021, Lance Miller (University of Arkansas) Prismatic cohomology III
- February 24, 2021, Lance Miller (University of Arkansas) Prismatic cohomology IV
- March 1, 2021, Lance Miller (University of Arkansas) Prismatic cohomology V
- March 3, 2021, Rongjie Lai (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Geometry inspired DNNs on Manifold-structured Data
- March 10, 2021, Hongnian Huang (UNM) Weighted K-Stability of Polarized Varieties and Extremality of Sasaki Manifolds
- March 24, 2021, Hongnian Huang (UNM) Weighted K-Stability of Polarized Varieties and Extremality of Sasaki Manifolds II
- March 31, 2021, Roman Sverdlov (UNM) Berezin integral as a limit of Riemann sum
- April 7, 2021, Roman Sverdlov (UNM) Berezin integral as a limit of Riemann sum II
- April 14, 2021, Roman Sverdlov (UNM) Berezin integral as a limit of Riemann sum III
- April 21, 2021, Hongnian Huang (UNM) Weighted K-Stability of Polarized Varieties and Extremality of Sasaki Manifolds III
- April 28, 2021, Hongnian Huang (UNM) Weighted K-Stability of Polarized Varieties and Extremality of Sasaki Manifolds IV
Fall 2020
- August 19, 2020 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Rings of differential operators in quotient rings.
- August 26, 2020 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Rings of differential operators in quotients of normal affine semigroup rings.
- September 2, 2020 Janet Vassilev (UNM) More on the k-differential operators of modules
- September 9, 2020 Galen Novello (UNM) Machine Learning
- September 16, 2020 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Test ideals in reduced rings, Algebra/Geometry Seminar
- September 23, 2020 Jenn Qian (UNM) From the hypergeometric differential equation to conformal maps of curvilinear polygons
- September 30, 2020 Roman Sverdlov (UNM) On sub-Riemannian and Riemannian spaces associated to a Lorentzian manifold and their application to causal set theory
- October 14, 2020 Jenn Qian (UNM) A gentle overview of Kähler-Einstein metric
- October 28, 2020 Abdel Mohammad (UNM) The first eigenvalue
- November 4, 2020 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Some closure operations which are closely related to integral closure, Algebra/Geometry Seminar
- November 11, 2020 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Frobenius powers of some monomial ideals, Algebra/Geometry Seminar
- November 18, 2020 Lisa Naples (Macalester) Rectifiability of Pointwise Doubling Measures in Hilbert Space
- December 2, 2020 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Differential operators in numerical semigroup rings, Algebra/Geometry Seminar
Spring 2020
- January 22, 2020 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) The universal approximation theorem II and geometric problems.
- January 27, 2020 Ila Varma (University of Toronto) Malle’s conjecture for octic D_4-fields.
- February 5, 2020 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Geometric properties of solution to some PDEs.
- February 12, 2020 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Geometric properties of solution to some PDEs II.
- February 19, 2020 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Geometric properties of solution to some PDEs III.
- February 26, 2020 Gueo Grantcharov (FIU) Non-Kaehler Calabi-Yau mainfolds and new systems for the Hull-Strominger system.
- March 4, 2020 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Geometric properties of solution to some PDEs III.
- March 11, 2020 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Chart Auto-encoders for manifold structured data.
- April 15, 2020 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Geometric properties of solution to some PDEs IV.
- April 22, 2020 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Nakayama Interiors and the Core/Hull duality.
- April 29, 2020 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Points on spheres and their quotients.
- May 6, 2020 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Points on spheres and their quotients II.
Fall 2019
- August 28, 2019 Janet Vassilev (UNM) The ring of differential operators of a Stanley-Reisner ring.
- September 4, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Monge-Ampere equation and GAN.
- September 11, 2019 Alex Buium (UNM)
- September 18, 2019 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) The universal approximation theorem in machine learning.
- September 25, 2019 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Some combinatorial commutative algebra.
- October 2, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Monge-Ampere equation and GAN II.
- October 16, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Monge-Ampere equation and GAN III.
- October 23, 2019 Velimir Vesselinov (Los Alamos)
- October 30, 2019 Charles Boyer (UNM) Open Problems in Sasaki Geometry
- November 6, 2019 Simone Claire Sisneros Thiry (UIUC) Problems from combinatorial number theory.
- November 13, 2019 Janet Vassilev (UNM) The ring of differential operators of normal affine semigroup rings.
- November 20, 2019 Patrick Lank (UNM) Algebraic Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry.
- November 27, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM) GAN and Monge-Ampere equations continuation.
Spring 2019
- January 23, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- January 30, 2019 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Non-local geometric PDEs and the non-local Yamabe problem.
- February 6, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- February 13, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- February 20, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- February 27, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- March 6, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- March 13, 2019 Mychael Smith (UNM Valencia) Equivariant E infinity algebras.
- March 20, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- April 3, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- April 10, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- April 17, 2019 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) The fractional sub-Laplacian on the Heisenberg groups.
- April 24, 2019 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- May 1, 2019 Annunziata Loiudice (University of Bari) Efroymson Lecture: An introduction to Lorentz Spaces and applications II
Fall 2018
- August 22, 2018 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM)
- August 29, 2018 Joseph Connelly (Air Force Research Labs) Linear Network Coding over ring alphabets.
- September 5, 2018 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- September 12, 2018 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- September 19, 2018 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM)
- September 26, 2018 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- October 3, 2018 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM)
- October 10, 2018 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM)
- October 17, 2018 Hongnian Huang (UNM)
- October 24, 2018 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM)
- October 31, 2018 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM)
- November 7, 2018 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM)
- November 14, 2018 Patrick Lank (UNM)
- November 28, 2018 Jingbo Ren (University of Virginia) Mathematical logic and its applications in Number Theory.
- December 5, 2018 Patrick Lank (UNM)
Spring 2018
- January 17, 2018 Chi Li On Metric tangent cones at KLT singularities.
- January 24, 2018 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Introduction to tight closure.
- January 31, 2018 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Tight closure continued.
- February 7, 2018 Sergey Grigorian (UT Rio Grande) G2 structures and Octonion bundles.
- February 14, 2018 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Test ideals.
- February 21, 2018 Janet Vassilev (UNM) More on test ideals.
- February 28, 2018 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Multiplier ideals and test ideals.
- March 7, 2018 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Local Cohomology and its relationship to test ideals.
- March 21, 2018 Sean Curry (UCSD) Strictly pseudoconvex domains in C^2 with obstruction flat boundary.
- March 28, 2018 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Parameter test ideals.
- April 11, 2018 Janet Vassilev (UNM) F-pure and F-injective singularities.
- April 18, 2018 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Conformal flatness of low-dimensional sub-Riemannian manifolds.
- May 2, 2018 Charles Boyer (UNM) Some open problems in Sasakian Geometry.
Fall 2017
- August 30, 2017 Charles Boyer (UNM) The Kaehler geometry of Bott manifolds.
- September 6, 2017 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Introduction to tight closure.
- September 13, 2017 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Introduction to tight closure II.
- September 20, 2017 Janet Vassilev (UNM) Reduction of tight closure to characteristic 0.
- September 27, 2017 Roman Sverdlov (UNM) Causal set as a discretization of regular space-time and phase space-time.
- October 4, 2017 Roman Sverdlov (UNM) Causal set as a discretization of regular space-time and phase space-time, II.
- October 11, 2017 Roman Sverdlov (UNM) Causal set as a discretization of regular space-time and phase space-time, III.
- October 18, 2017 Roman Sverdlov (UNM) Causal set as a discretization of regular space-time and phase space-time, IV.
- October 25, 2017 Roman Sverdlov (UNM) Quantum field theory and causal sets, continuation.
- November 8, 2017 Alex Buium (UNM) Levi-Civita correspondences.
- November 15, 2017 Charles Boyer (UNM) Understanding the Sasaki cone.
- November 29, 2017 Alex Buium (UNM) Rings of correspondences.
Spring 2017
- January 18, 2017 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture, I.
- January 25, 2017 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture, II.
- February 1, 2017 Alex Buium (UNM) The arithmetic Riemann curvature.
- February 8, 2017 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture, III.
- February 15, 2017 Alex Buium (UNM) Arithmetic analogue of Euler’s equations for the rigid body.
- February 22, 2017 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture, IV.
- March 8, 2017 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture, V.
- March 15, 2017 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture, VI.
- March 22, 2017 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture, VII.
- April 5, 2017 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Quaternionic contact hypersurfaces in hyper-Kaehler manifolds.
- April 12, 2017 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Quaternionic contact hypersurfaces in hyper-Kaehler manifolds.
- April 19, 2017 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM) Quaternionic contact hypersurfaces in hyper-Kaehler manifolds, II.
- April 26, 2017 Hongnian Huang (UNM) Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture, VIII.
Fall 2016
Spring 2025
- 02/14/2025 Mariana Smit Vega Garcia (Western Washington University), "Almgren-type monotonicity formulas".
- 04/18/2025 Alan Chang (Washington University), TBA.
Fall 2024
- 10/05/2024 Jose García (UNM), "Composite Operators, Joint Approximate Eigenstates, and Applications to Physics".
- 11/08/2024 Ana Čolović (Wahington University), "Composition of Paraproducts".
- 11/22/2024 Vita Borovyk (University of Cincinnati), "Distance measures for quantum states and channels: properties and applications".
Spring 2024
- 04/26/2024 Magali Folch-Gabayet (Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico), "A class of hypersingular operators".
- 04/23/2024 Ricardo Saenz (Universidad deColima, Mexico), "Oscillatory integrals with strongly singular kernels" (Colloquium).
- 04/19/2024 Irina Holmes (Texas A&M), "Sharp Restricted Weak-Type Estimates for Sparse Operations".
- 04/12/2024 Maria Soria Carro (Rutgers University), "Regularity of free interfaces in parabolic transmission problems arising from the jump of conductivity".
- 04/05/2024 Rachel Bailey (University of Connecticut), "DEK-Type Orthogonal Polynomials".
- 03/29/2024 Burak Hatinoglu (Michigan State University), "Logarithmic capacities of rational frequency approximants for discrete Schrödinger operators".
- 03/22/2024 Jacob Christiansen (Lund University, Sweden), "Chebyshev polynomials and Widom factors".
- 02/09/2024 Stefan Steinerberger (University of Washington, Seattle) "Growth Models in the Plane" (Colloquium).
- 02/09/2024 Apurva Seth (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) "Nonstable K-Theory for C*-Algebras".
- 01/26/2024 Forrest Glebe (Purdue University) "A Recipe for Almost Representations of Groups that are Far from Genuine Representations".
Fall 2023
- 11/10/2023 Daniel Havens (UNM), "The Hardy-Littlewood Circle Method & Higher Order Fourier Analysis"
- 10/27/2023 Magali Folch-Gabayet (Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico), "Hilbert transform, oscillatory integrals and hipersingular operators".
- 09/22/2023 Jose García (UNM), "On the Spectral Variation of Almost Normal Matrices and it’s Applications".
- 09/08/2023 Terry Loring (UNM), "Lin's theorem on almost commuting matrices".
Spring 2023
- 01/20/2023 Melissa Tacy (University of Auckland), " Filament structure in random plane waves".
- 02/02/2023 Brett Wick (Washington University), "The Corona Theorem" (Colloquium).
- 02/17/2023 Héctor Chang-Lara (CIMAT, Guanajuato, México), "A Non-variational Approach for the Porous Medium Equation".
- 03/03/2023 Suresh Eswarathasan (Dalhousie University), "Nodal sets for eigenfunctions of sub-Laplacians".
- 04/21/2023 Robert Dukes (UNM), "Boundedness of Chebyshev Polynomials over Irregular Sets ".
- 04/28/2023 Elodie Pozzi (Saint Louis University), "An operator theoretical approach to some inverse problems"
Fall 2022
- 08/26/2022 Ryan Alvarado (Amherst College), "Smoothness of functions and the geometry of sets".
- 09/09/2022 Madelyne Brown (UNC-Chapel Hill), "Fourier coefficients of restricted eigenfunctions".
- 09/23/2022 Philip Gressman (University of Pennsylvania), "The Selective Summation Inequalities of Nonconcentration and Superorthogonality".
- 10/07/2022 Xiaoqi Huang (University of Maryland), "Product manifolds with improved spectral cluster and Weyl reminder estimates".
- 10/21/2022 Jason Metcalfe (UNC-Chapel Hill), "Almost global existence for 3-d systems of nonlinear wave equations".
- 11/04/2022 Robert Dukes (UNM), "Fundamentals of Potential Theory With Applications to Polynomial and Rational Approximations".
- 11/18/2022 Matthew Blair (UNM), "Lp bounds for Schrödinger eigenfunctions".
- 12/02/2022 Galen Novello (UNM), "The Hormander Condition and Harnack Inequalities".
Spring 2022
- 02/04/2022 Luz Roncal (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics BCAM, Bilbao, Spain), "Fourier analysis on the infinite-dimensional torus".
- 02/11/2022 Michael Goldberg (University of Cincinnati), "Differentiability of Fourier Restrictions".
- 02/18/2022 Blake Keeler (McGill University, Montreal, Canada), "The Two-Point Weyl Law on Manifolds without Conjugate Points".
- 02/25/2022 Roman Sverdlov (UNM), "Berezin integral as a limit of Riemann sum".
- 03/04/2022 Younghun Hong (Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea), "On the Korteweg-de Vries limit for the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam system".
- 03/11/2022 Cheng Zhang (Unviersity of Rochester), "Sharp pointwise Weyl law for Schrodinger operators with critically singular potentials".
- 03/25/2022 David Cruz-Uribe (University of Alabama), "Jones factorization and Rubio de Francia extrapolation for matrix weights".
- 04/08/2022 María Cristina Pereyra (UNM), "(Variable) Haar Multipliers through the lens of weighted inequalities (Part I)".
- 04/15/2022 María Cristina Pereyra (UNM), "(Variable) Haar Multipliers through the lens of weighted inequalities (Part II)".
- 04/29/2022 Emmett Wyman (University of Rochester), "A two term Kuznecov sum formula".
- 05/06/2022 Katrina Morgan (Northwestern University), "Solvability of the wave equation on rotating cosmic string backgrounds".
Fall 2021
- 09/03/2021 Matt Blair (UNM), "The Van Vleck Formula on Ehrenfest time scales and stationary phase asymptotics for frequency-dependent phases (Part I)".
- 09/10/2021 Matt Blair (UNM), "The Van Vleck Formula on Ehrenfest time scales and stationary phase asymptotics for frequency-dependent phases (Part II)".
- 09/24/2021 Virginia Naibo (Kansas State University), "Boundedness properties for Hermite pseudo-multipliers".
- 10/08/2021 Chamsol Park (UNM), "Eigenfunction Restriction Estimates on curves with nonvanishing geodesic curvatures".
- 10/23-24/2021 Fall Western Sectional AMS Meeting at least 6 Special Sessions in Functional, Harmonic, and Complex Analysis
- 10/29/2021 Lihang (Leon) Liu (UNM), "Cantor set and Space Filling Curve".
- 11/02/2021 Gigliolla Stafilanni (MIT), "The Schrödinger equation as inspiration of beautiful mathematics" (Colloquium)
- 11/12/2021 Rachel Greenfeld (University of California at Los Angeles -UCLA-), "On the structure of translational tilings".
- 11/19/2021 Kabe Moen (University of Alabama -Tuscaloosa-), "A unified method for commutators of Calderón-Zygmund operators".
- 11/26/2021 Thomas Schechter (UNM), Part I "An Introduction to Noncommutative Integration".
Spring 2021
- 1/29/2021 Rob Dukes (UNM), "Topological Dynamics of Piecewise Lambda-Affine Maps".
- 2/05/2021 Trang Nguyen (University of South Australia, Adelaide), "Non-homogeneous T(1) theorem for singular integrals on product quasimetric spaces".
- 2/12/2021 Tess Anderson (Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN), "Dyadic analysis (virtually) meets number theory".
- 2/19/2021 Galen Novello (UNM), "Some basic results in weighted polynomial Approximation".
- 2/26/2021 Terry Loring (UNM), "Spectral Information in Quasiperiodic Systems – linking the finite to the infinite".
- 3/05/2021 David Beltran (University of Wisconsin at Madison), "Multi-scale sparse domination".
- 3/12/2021 Jose Madrid (University of California at Los Angeles -UCLA-), "Discrete Polynomial Averages" .
- 3/26/2021 Roman Sverdlov (UNM), "Berezin integral as a limit of Riemann sum".
- 3/30/2021 Dmitriy Bilyk (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN) [Colloquium], "Energy-minimizing measures and point configurations on the sphere".
- 4/09/2021 Dorina Mitrea (Baylor University, Waco, TX), "A Sharp Divergence Theorem".
- 4/13/2021 Andrea Nahmod (University of Massachussets, Amherst) [Colloquium], "Propagation of randomness under the flow of nonlinear dispersive equations".
- 4/16/2021 Chamsol Park (UNM), "Revisit to eigenfunction estimates restricted to a curve with nonvanishing curvatures".
- 4/22/2021 Wilfredo Urbina (Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL) [Colloquium], "Gaussian Singular Integrals: Singular Integrals through the looking glass".
- 4/30/2021 Joe Lakey (New Mexico State University -NMSU-, Las Cruces, NM), "Spatio-spectral limiting on Boolean cubes".
- 5/07/2021 Giorgio Young (Rice University, Houston, TX), "Asymptotics of Chebyshev rational functions with respect to subsets of the real line".
Fall 2020
- 10/20/2020 Phanuel Mariano (Union College), Can you hear the fundamental frequency of a drum using probability? (Colloquium)
- 10/27/2020 Irina Holmes (Texas A&M University), A new proof of the weak (1,1) inequality for the dyadic square function (Colloquium).
- 10/29/2020 Maxim Zinchenko (UNM), Extremal Polynomials (Colloquium).
- 11/05/2020 Anna Skripka (UNM), Untangling noncommutativity with operator integrals (Colloquium).
- 11/18/2020 Lisa Naples (Macalester College), Rectifiability of pointwise doubling measures in Hilbert space (Algebra/Geometry Seminar).
Spring 2020
- Pandemic closed down every thing, took us a while to return to online seminars!
Fall 2019
- 9/27/2019 Burak Hatinoglu (Texas A&M), Mixed data in inverse spectral problems for the Schrödinger operators.
- 10/17/2019 Jacob Christiansen (Lund University, Sweden), Chebyshev polynomials (Colloquium).
Spring 2019
- 3/25/2019 Alex Barron (Brown University), On global-in-time Strichartz estimates for the semiperiodic Schrödinger equation.
- 4/26/2019 Chamsol Park (UNM), Mixed Hessian and foling singularities and their application.
- 4/26/2019 Annunziata Louidice (University of Bari), An introduction to Lorenz spaces and applications I (Efroymson Lectures).
- 4/29/2019 Annunziata Louidice (University of Bari), An introduction to Lorenz spaces and applications II (Efroymson Lectures).
- 5/21-24/2019 NSF CAREER funded Workshop on Positivity, organized by Anna Skripka.
Fall 2018
- 12/11/2018 Guillermo Rey (University of Minnesota), Sparse domination and the strong maximal function.
- 12/11/2018 Ji Li (Macquarie University, Australia), Boundedness and compactness of commutator of Cauchy integrals for domains in C^n with minimal smoothness.
- 12/12/2018 Jose Conde Alonso (Brown University), Non-homogeneous dyadic analysis: Calderón-Zygmund theory and the one-third trick.
- 12/12/2018 Ji Li (Macquarie University, Australia), Boundedness of certain singular integrals with non-smooth kernel on non-doubling manifold with ends.
- 12/13/2018 Jose Conde Alonso (Brown University), Sparse bounds: history and open questions (Colloquium).
Spring 2018
- 2/26/2018 Christoph Thiele (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, University of Bonn), Development on singular Brascamp-Lieb inequalities (Colloquium).
- 3/22/2018 Fritz Gestesy (Baylor University), Trace formulas and zeta functions for differential operators-or, a spectral theorist computes pi (Colloquium).
- 4/12/2018 Olli Tapiola (University of Missouri-Columbia), Characterizing geometry by using properties of harmonic functions (Colloquium).
- 4/13/2018 Olli Tapiola (University of Missouri-Columbia), What's so difficult about high-dimensional one-sided Muckenhoupt theory?
Fall 2017
- 09/14/2017 Matthew Blair (UNM), Lp-norms and global harmonic analysis (Colloquium).
- 09/28/2017 Jacob Perry (University of North Carolina-Chapell Hill), Local energy estimates for wave equations with degenerate trapping (Colloquium).
- 11/10/2017 Polona Durcik (CALTECH), Twisted multilinear forms and applications.
- 11/30/2017 Jake Fillman IVirginia Tech), Spectral properties of quasicrystals (Colloquium).
Spring 2017
- 3/2/2017 Clément Coine (Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France), Triple operator integral valued in trace class operators (Colloquium).
- 3/9/2017 Arup Chattopadhyay (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati & UNM), Rank of a shift invariant subspace of the Hardy space H^2 over the bidisc (Cooloquium).
- 3/30/2017 Milivoje Lukic (Rice University), KdV equation with almost periodic initiald data (Colloquium).
- 4/06/2017 Allan Greenleaf (University of Rochester), Propagation of singularities in Calderón's inverse conductivity problem (Colloquium).
- 4/17/2017 Ricardo Saenz (Universidad de Colima, Mexico), Harmonic Analysis on Fractals (Minicourse).
- 4/18/2017 Ricardo Saenz (Universidad de Colima, Mexico), How does a fractal vibrate (Colloquium).
- 4/21/2017 Ricardo Saenz (Universidad de Colima, Mexico), Poisson integrals and maximal functions.
- 4/27/2017 Ciprian Demeter (Indiana University-Bloomington), Decoupling and applications: a journey from continuous to discrete.
New Mexico Analysis Seminars NMAS (sponsored by NSF 2001-2009, 2014-2016)
- 5/21/2017 16th NMAS Prior to NSF/CBMS Conference on Sparse Approximation and Signal Recovery Algorithms, Main Lecturer: Anna Gilbert (University of Michigan) , held at NMSU, Las Cruces.
- 2/19-21/2016 15th NMAS Main speaker: Chris Sogge (John Hopkins), held at UNM
- 3/26-28/2015 14th NMAS Main speaker: Monika Visan (UCLA), held at NMSU, Las Cruces.
- 4/3-4/2014 13th NMAS Main speakers: Sergei Treil (Brown University), held at UNM prior to an AMS Sectional Meeting hosted by the Department.
- 4/04/2014 An afternoon in honor of Cora Sadosky Main Speakers: Svitlana Mayboroda (University of Minnesota), Gustavo Ponce (University of California, Santa Barbara), Alex Stokolos (Georgia Southern University), Rodolfo Torres (University of Kansas), Sergei Treil (Brown University), held at UNM.
- 4/23-25/2009 12th NMAS Main speaker: Loukas Grafakos (University of Missouri-Columbia), held at UNM.
- 10/11-12/2007 10th NMAS Main speakers: Rodrigo Bañuelos (Purdue University), Andrea Nahmod (University of Massachusets-Amherst), held at UNM prior to an AMS Sectional Meeting hosted by the Department.
- 10/12/2007 An afternoon in honor of Misha Cotlar Main speakers: Carlos Berenstein (University of Maryland), Carlos Kenig (Chicago University), Cora Sadosky (Howard University), Sergei Treil (Brown University), held at UNM.
- 4/6-8/2006 9th NMAS Main speaker: Tatiana Toro (University of Washington), held at UNM.
- Spring 2005 8th NMAS Main speaker: Jorge Aarao (Claremont Colleges), prior to NSF/CBMS Conference Nonlinear Dispersive Equations: Local and Global Analysis, Main Lecturer: Terence Tao (UCLA), held at NMSU, Las Cruces.
- 10/14-17/2004 7th NMAS Main speakers: Patricia Bauman (Purdue University), Luca Capogna (University of Arkansas), held at UNM prior to an AMS Sectional Meeting hosted by the Department.
- Spring 2003 6th NMAS Main speaker: Jill Pipher (Brown University), held at UNM.
- Spring 2002 5th NMAS Main speaker: John Benedetto (University of Maryland), held at NMSU, Las Cruces.
- Spring 2001 4th NMAS Main speaker: Steve Hofmann (University of Missouri-Columbia), held at UNM.
- Spring 2000 3rd NMAS Main speaker: Kate Okikiolu (University of California at San Diego), held at NMSU, Las Cruces.
- Spring 1999 2nd NMAS Main speaker: Gilles Pisier (Texas A&M and Pierre and Marie Curie University, France), held at UNM.
- Spring 1998 1st NMAS Main speaker: John Gilbert (University of Texas at Austin), held at NMSU, Las Cruces.
Applied Math
Spring 2025
- 05/05/2025 Samantha Linn (University of Utah)
- 04/28/2025 Marina Mancuso (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- 04/14/2025 Laurel Ohm (University of Wisconsin Madison)
- 04/07/2025 Montie Avery (Boston University)
- 03/24/2025 Bryan Reuter (Sandia National Laboratories)
- 03/10/2025 Kristan Schneider (University of New Mexico), Mathematical models of the spread of drug resistance in malaria.
- 03/03/2025 Kyle Dahlin (Virginia Tech), Blending Mosquito Biting Dynamics into Vector-Borne Disease Transmission Models.
- 02/17/2025 Mohammad Alhejji (University of New Mexico), Refining Ky Fan's majorization relation with linear programming.
- 02/10/2025 Daniel Cooney (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Spatial Pattern Formation in Eco-Evolutionary Games with Environment-Driven Motion.
- 02/03/2025 Christian Glusa (Sandia National Laboratories), Scalable methods for nonlocal models.
Fall 2024
- 11/18/2024 Christopher Eldred (Sandia National Laboratories), "Geometric mechanics and structure-preserving discretizations for models of physical systems".
- 11/04/2024 Tin Phan (Los Alamos National Laboratories), "HIV through the lens of mathematics".
- 10/21/2024 Graham Bennett Harper (Sandia National Laboratories), "Finite Element Basis Compression for Extreme-Scale Simulations and R-Adaptive Mesh Optimization to Enable Compression".
- 09/23/2024 Jasmine A. F. Kreig (Los Alamos National Laboratory), "B cells in shape space: a stochastic agent-based model of affinity maturation".
- 09/09/2024 Jonas Actor (Sandia National Laboratories, "Exterior Calculus in Machine-Learned Models".
Spring 2024
- 04/22/2024 Jason Adams (Sandia National Laboratories), "Improving and Assessing the Quality of Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning".
- 04/08/2024 Teresa Portone (Sandia National Laboratories), "How reliable are mathematical model predictions if their equations are uncertain? ".
- 03/25/2024 Anthony Gruber (Sandia National Laboratories), "Property preserving model reduction in bracket-based dynamical systems".
- 02/26/2024 Aubrey Celia Eckert (Sandia National Laboratories, Statistical Sciences Department), "UNM to Sandia Laboratories: Finding Unique Opportunities to Fit Your Interests".
- 02/12/2024 Kesh Govinder (University of KwaZulu-Natal), "Group Invariant Solutions of Differential Equations".
- 01/22/2024 Vakhtang Putkaradze (University of Alberta, Canada), "Lie-Poisson Neural Networks (LPNets): Data-Based Computing of Hamiltonian Systems with Symmetries".
Fall 2023
- 11/27/2023 Mauro Perego (Sandia National Laboratories), "Ice-sheet modeling beyond forward simulations: combining machine learning with more traditional computational approaches".
- 11/20/2023 Stephan M. Wong (Sandia National Laboratories), "The spectral localizer for classifying topological materials".
- 11/06/2023 Katie Newhall (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), "Energy Landscapes, Metastability, and Transition Paths".
- 10/30/2023 Alex Korotkevich (UNM), "On optimization of array size for modern Fourier transfrom libraries."
- 10/16/2023 Christopher W. Curtis (San Diego State University), "Dynamic-Mode Decomposition: Analysis and Prediction".
- 10/9/2023 Sergey Dyachenko (SUNY at Buffalo), "The Tale of Two Branch Points: Singularities in 2D flows".
- 09/25/2023 Anastassiya Semenova (University of Washington, Seattle), "Water Waves: Instabilities of Steep Stokes Waves".
Spring 2023
- 04/24/2023 Patrick Sprenger (The Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, UK), "Whitham modulation theory for dispersive hydrodynamic models with full linear dispersion".
- 04/03/2023 Oliver Krzysik (University of Waterloo), "Parallel multigrid-in-time for hyperbolic partial differential equations".
- 03/06/2023 Vakhtang Putkaradze (University of Alberta, Canada), "The Dictator Equation".
- 02/20/2023 Christopher W. Curtis (San Diego State University), "Modeling Point Vortices and Vortex Patches under Free-Surface Waves".
- 01/30/2023 Alex Korotkevich (UNM), "Inverse cascade spectrum of gravity waves in the presence of condensate: numerical result and analytical explanation".
Fall 2022
- 10/31/2023 Jehanzeb Chaudhry (UNM), "A Least-Squares Reduced Order Method, Asymptotically Rigorous Error Bounds, and Eigenvalue Analysis of Coercivity Constants arising in Partial Differential Equations".
- 10/03/2022 Rolfe Schmidt (Signal), "Private Groups in Signal Messenger".
- 09/19/2022 Stephen Lau (UNM), "Dual perturbation approach for direct spectral solution of harmonic problems on a block".
Spring 2022
- 04/28/2022 Bernard Deconinck (University of Washington), "The inverse water wave bathymetry problem" [Colloquium]
- 04/11/2023 Grady Wright (Boise State University), "A meshfree geometric multilevel method for elliptic PDEs on surfaces".
- 04/04/2022 Sean Lawley (University of Utah), "Extreme first passage times, biological redundancy, and human reproduction".
- 03/28/2023 Saverio Spagnolie (University of Wisconsin-Madison), "How (very) small things fall down (in fluids)".
- 02/28/2024 Manuchehr Aminian (CalPoly Pomona), "Manipulating transport properties of passive tracers in channels via cross section".
- 02/21/2022 Roman Sverdlov (UNM), "Berezin integral as a limit of Riemann sum".
- 02/07/2022 Jamie Haddock (Harvey Mudd College) "Models, Methods, and Medicine".
- 01/24/2024 Becca Thomases (UC Davis), "Mathematical and computational challenges in complex fluids".
Fall 2021
- 11/21/2021 Alejandro Aceves (Southern Methodist University), "Modeling climate change: A dynamical systems approach".
- 11/15/2021 Taras Lakoba (University of Vermont), "Iterative numerical methods for finding solitary waves, and techniques for their acceleration".
- 11/08/2021 Jeremy Upsal (University of Washington), "Establishing and using a nonlinear Gershgorin theorem for operator matrices to solve ODEs with parameter dependence".
- 10/25/2021 Jeffrey Banks (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), "Efficient Approaches for Time-Domain Wave Equations with Application to Computational Electromagnetics".
- 10/18/2021 Sergey Dyachenko (University of Buffalo SUNY), "Singularities in 2D flows: The Tale of Two Branch Points".
- 10/04/2021 Nathaniel Trask (Sandia National Laboratories), "Structure preserving machine learning for data-driven multiscale/multiphysics modeling".
- 09/20/2021 Wladimir Benalcazar (Princeton University), "Higher-order topological band theory".
- 09/13/2021 Jiajie Chen (Caltech), "On the competition between advection and vortex stretching".
- 08/30/2021 Alex Korotkevich (UNM), "Direct Numerical Validation of 6-Wave 1D Kinetic Equation".
Spring 2021
- 05/10/2021 Jasmin Foo (University of Minnesota), "Memory in trait macroevolution".
- 05/03/2021 Christel Hohenegger (University of Utah), "Simulation and diffusion of immersed particles in complex fluids".
- 04/26/2021 Hossein Kafiabad (University of Edinburgh, Scotland), "Statistics of geophysical waves formed by the background fluid flow".
- 04/19/2024 Scott McCalla (Montana State University), "Nonlocal interfacial dynamics in biological systems".
- 04/12/2024 Monika Nitrsche (UNM), "Evaluation of near-singular integrals with application to vortex sheet and Stokes flow".
- 04/05/2024 Elaine Spiller (Marquette University), "Assessing and forecasting uncertain hazards".
- 03/29/2021 Adam Stinchcombe (University of Toronto), "A Simulation of the Electrical Activity of Retinal Tissue and Electroretinogram Design".
- 03/22/2021 David Stein (Flatiron Institute), "A coarse-grained model of microtubule hydrodynamics (and streaming flows in the fruit fly oocyte)".
- 03/08/2021 Calina Copos (UNC Chapel Hill), "Network dynamics in cells: building connections across scales".
- 02/22/2021 Bhargav Karamched (Florida State University), "Optimal Decision-Making in Social Networks".
- 02/08/2021 Henry Fu (University of Utah), "Physical constraints on the propulsion of microrobots".
- 02/01/2021 Chengyue Wu (University of Texas), "Optimization of patient-specific neoadjuvant therapy regimens for breast cancer via image-guided fluid dynamics modeling".
- 01/25/2021 Bryan Quaife (Florida State University), "Transport in Viscous Eroded Media".
Spring 2025
- February 7, 2025, Po-Shen Loh (Carnegie Mellon University), Using Math to Invent Solutions to Large-Scale Human Problems in Education and Healthcare.
- February 8, 2025, Po-Shen Loh (Carnegie Mellon University, How To Thrive In the Age of AI (UNM-PNM Math Contest Public Lecture)
- April 17, 2025, Alan Chang (Washington University), TBA
Fall 2024
- September 12, 2024, Rodrigo Bañuelos (Purdue University), Probabilistic Tools in Discrete Harmonic Analysis.
- September 19, 2024, Michael Siegel (New Jersey Institute of Technology), A fast mesh-free boundary integral method for two-phase flow with soluble surfactant.
- September 26, 2024, Ana Nelson (Duke University), Modeling neuronal microtubule behavior in health and injury.
- September 27, 2024, Gueo Grantcharov (Florida International University), Isotropic Killing vector fields and structures on complex surfaces.
- October 3, 2024, Mark Hoefer (University of Colorado, Boulder), Dispersive Hydrodynamics: A Wave Theory of Waves.
- October 24, 2024, Lance Miller (University of Arkansas), Graduate school and you (A talk for undergraduate students).
- November 5, 2024, Fletcher Christensen (UNM), Proving de Finetti's Representation Theorem with Ergodicity.
- November 7, 2024, Mohammad Motamed (UNM), From Randomized Fourier Neural Networks to Quantum Computing and Digital Twins.
Spring 2024
- January 16, 2024, Nilanjan Chakraborty (Washington University, St Louis, MO), Statistical Inference for Subgraph Densities Under Induced Random Sampling from Network Data.
- January 23, 2024, Daniel Gomez (University of Pensylvania), Asymptotic Analysis of Localized and Singular Perturbations with Lévy Flights.
- January 25, 2024, Xinyu Zhao (McMaster University, Canada), Systematic Search for Singularities and Instabilities in Euler Flows
- January 29, 2024, Juntao Huang (Texas Tech University), Overcoming the curse of dimensionality: structure-preserving machine learning moment closures and adaptive sparse grid discontinuous Galerkin schemes.
- February 1, 2024, Anna Nelson (Duke University), Mathematical Modeling of Polymerization Processes in Physiology.
- January 30, 2024, Pei Wang (Miami University, OH), Sufficient Dimension Reduction and Variable Selection by Feature Filter.
- February 8, 2024, Miheer Dewaskar (Duke University), Robustifying likelihoods by optimistically re-weighting data
- February 9, 2024, Stefan Steinerberger (University of Washington, Seattle), Growth Models in the Plane.
- March 21, 2024, Fadil Santosa (Johns Hopkins University), Modeling Plasmons on Graphene with Time- and Space-Dependent Properties.
- April 9, 2024, Davood Tofighi (UNM), Enhancing Causal Inference in Health and Psychological Research with Advanced Sensitivity Analysis.
- April 04, 2024, Ralph Kauffman (Purdue University), Topological invariants.
- April 05, 2024, Nicola Garofalo (University of Padova and ASU) Heat asymptotics in sub-Riemannian geometry
- April 11, 2024, N. Anders Petersson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Time-Parallel Control of Quantum Computing Devices.
- April 18, 2024, Mark Hoefer (Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder) [Cancelled].
- April 23, 2024, Ricardo Saenz (Universidad de Colima, Mexico), Oscillatory integrals with strongly singular kernels.
Fall 2023
- September 7, 2023, Guoyi Zhang (UNM), A semi-parametric model for small area estimation using support vector machine.
- September 14, 2023, Davood Tofighi (UNM), Improving Causal Inference in Clinical and Health Sciences
- October 5, 2023, Janet Vassilev (UNM), Operations and operators on commutative rings.
- October 10, 2023, Rebecca R.G (George Mason University), Classifying neural ideals.
- October 26, 2023, Sara Zahedi (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Conservative Cut Finite Element Methods
- November 9, 2023, Mahir Bilen Can (Tulane University), Origins, Generalizations, and Applications.
Spring 2023
- February 2, 2023, Brett Wick (Washington University, St. Louis, MO), The Corona Theorem.
- March 2, 2023, Vakhtang Putkaradze (University of Alberta, Canada), Integrability and control of figure skating.
- March 31, 2023, Li-Hsiang Lin (Louisiana State University) [cancelled].
- April 4, 2023, Austin Brown (University of Warwick, UK), Exact Convergence Analysis for Metropolis-Hastings Independence Samplers in Wasserstein Distances.
- April 6, 2023, Saleh Tanveer (The Ohio State University), Singular effects of small slip in a two fluid problem.
- April 7, 2023, Matthew Washer (University of Dayton, OH), Monitoring disease prevalence and transmission in a population under repeated testing.
- April 27, 2023, Antoine Cerfon (Type One Energy and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU), The mathematics of optimized fusion reactors.
- May 12, 2023, Maryam Bagherian (Yale University), Distance Metric Learning and its application in high dimensional data analysis.
Fall 2022
- September 29, 2022, Hermann Schulz-Baldes (Erlangen-Nuernberg), The spectral localizer: a new tool for index theory.
- October 10, 2022, Jack Dongarra (2021 Turing Award Recipient, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge NL), A Not So Simple Matter of Software [Public Lecture].
- October 27, 2022, Owen Lewis (UNM), Mathematical Aspects of Electro-diffusion and Applications to Maintenance of the Gastric Mucus Layer.
- November 3, 2022, James Degnan (UNM), The multispecies coalescent: networks, treespace, and traits.
- November 17, 2022, Erik Erhardt (UNM), A Bayesian Approach for Estimating Dynamic Functional Connectivity Networks in fMRI Data.
Spring 2022
- February 03, 2022, Peter Kuchment (Texas A&M University), Wonderful mathematics of tomography.
- February 17, 2022, Gregor Kovacic (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Mathematical Modeling of Neuronal Networks.
- April 05, 2022, Haimeng Zhang (University of Southern California), Discrete Fourier Transform and Its Applications on Global Data Analysis.
- April 28, 2022, Bernard Deconinck (University of Washington), The inverse water wave bathymetry problem.
Fall 2021
- September, 23, 2021, Jacob Shroder (UNM), Parallel-in-Time with Multigrid: Method, Theory, and Applications.
- September 30, 2021, Guoyi Zhang (UNM), Generalized Variance Functions for Longitudinal Data.
- October 07, 2021, Fletcher Christensen (UNM), Alternative Bayesian Summaries for Evaluating Acquisitions Benchmarks in Department of Defense Operational Testing.
- October 21, 2021, Rong Liu (University of Toledo), Empirical likelihood inference for generalized additive partially linear models.
- October 26, 2021, Ganggang Xu (University of Miami), Semiparametric Multinomial Logistic Regression for Multivariate Point Pattern Data.
- November 02, 2021, Gigliola Staffilani (MIT), The Schrödinger equation as inspiration of beautiful mathematics.
- November 18, 2021, Zhongxue Chen (School of Public Health, Indiana University-Bloomington), A gene-based sequential burden association test.
Spring 2021
- February 02, 2021 Jeff Wu (Georgia Institute of Technology), CMENET: a new method for bi-level variable selection of conditional main effects.
- February 11, 2021 Lance Miller (University of Arkansas), The multiplicities of Hilbert, "Kunz", Monsky, and a conjecture of Watanabe-Yoshida.
- February 16, 2021 James Adler (Tufts University), Monolithic Multigrid for a Reduced-Quadrature Discretization of Poroelasticity.
- March 23, 2021 Stefanie Guenther (Fernbach Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Layer-Parallel Training for Deep Residual Networks.
- March 30, 2021 Dmitriy Bilyk (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis), Energy-minimizing measures and point configurations on the sphere.
- April 15, 2021 Andrea Nahmod (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Propagation of randomness under the flow of nonlinear dispersive equations.
- April 22, 2021 Wilfredo Urbina (Roosevelt University), Gaussian Singular Integrals: Singular Integrals through the looking glass.
- April 27, 2021 Hans De Sterck (university of Waterloo, Canada), Convergence Acceleration for Nonlinear Fixed-Point Methods.
Fall 2020
- September 08, 2020 Junqing Jenn Qian (UNM), Modular functions and Asymptotic geometry on Punctured Riemann Sphere
- September 22, 2020 Jennifer Mueller (Colorado State University), Electrical Impedence Tomography: The D-bar method and Pulmonary Imaging
- September 24, 2020 Lance Miller (University of Arkansas), Singularities from nilpotent Frobenius actions
- September 28, 2020 Teun van Nuland (Radboud University), Listening to Operators: Multiple Operator Integrals and Noncommutative Geometry
- September 29, 2020 Wei Zheng (University of Tennesee, Knoxville), Fast approximation of U-statistics: a free lunch
- October 06, 2020 Alexander Korotkevich (UNM), Numerical investigation of Stokes waves: from high accuracy solutions to stability.
- October 13, 2020 Jonathan Montaño (NMSU), Degrees and Multiplicities.
- October 20, 2020 Phanuel Mariano (Union College), Can you hear the fundamental frequency of a drum using probability?
- October 27, 2020 Irina Holmes (TAMU), A new proof of the weak (1,1) inequality for the dyadic square function.
- October 29, 2020 Maxim Zinchenko (UNM), Extremal Polynomials.
- November 05, 2020 Anna Skripka (UNM), Untangling noncommutativity with operator integrals.
- November 10, 2020 Jehenzeb Chauhdry (UNM), Error Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification for First Time to a Threshold Value.
- November 17, 2020 Yang Cheng (Research and Development Division (RDD), National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)), A Hierarchical Bayesian Method for Combining Surveys.
- November 19, 2020 Giorgio Bornia (Texas Tech University), PDE-constrained optimal control: theoretical and computational aspects.
- November 24, 2022 Chunfeng Huang (Indiana University), Intrinsic random functions on the sphere.
- December 01, 2020 Colston Chandler (UNM Physics), Nuclear Reactions and Spectral Integrals.
Spring 2020
- January 21, 2020 Lise-Marie Imbert-Gerard (University of Maryland), Wave propagation in inhomogeneous media: an introduction to generalized plane waves.
- January 23, 2020 Owen Lewis (Florida State University), Electro diffusion mediated maintenance of the gastric mucous layer.
- January 28, 2020 Tonatiuh Sanchez-Vizuet (NYU), Computational Mathematics: From wave-structure interaction to magnetic equilibrium in fusion reactors.
- February 28, 2020 Hengrui Luo (Ohio State University), Lower Dimensional Topological Information: Theory and Applications
- March 03, 2020 Brandon Butcher (University of Iowa), A Formal MCMC Convergence Diagnostic for Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
- March 05, 2020 Olivier Sarbach (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo), Phase space mixing in the vicinity of a Kerr black hole.
- April 23, 2020 Lars Ruthotto (Emory), Partial Differential Equations meet Deep Learning: Old solutions for new problems and vice versa.
Fall 2019
- September 04, 2019 Li Li (UNM), A Bayesian transition model for missing longitudinal binary outcomes
- October 03, 2019 Helen Wearing (UNM), Viral vignettes: modeling the impact of population heterogeneity on disease dynamics
- October 16, 2019 Christopher Cooper (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María), A fast and accurate solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation with boundary elements
- October 17, 2019 Jacob Christiansen (Lund University), Chebyshev polynomials
- October 24, 2019 Jacob Schroder (UNM) Parallel-in-Time: A Scalable and Non-Intrusive Approach with Multigrid
- October 25, 2019 Joe Cavanaugh (University of Iowa), Models for overdispersed count time series with excess zeros
- December 05, 2019 Kesh Govinder (University of KwaZulu-Natal), Solving Differential Equations using Group Theory
Spring 2019
- January 24, 2019 Bengt Fornberg (University of Colorado), Improving the accuracy of the trapezoidal rule
- March 18, 2019 Lance Miller (University of Arkansas), Topology on 'manifolds' in positive characteristic
- April 04, 2019 Jeffrey Galkowski (Northeastern University), Concentration and Growth of Laplace Eigenfunctions
- April 11, 2019 Evgenii A. Kuznetsov (Lebedev Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences), Folding in fluids and Magnetohydrodynamics
- April 25, 2019 Emily Casleton (Los Alamos), Multi-Source Data Fusion and Imputation Methods
- April 26, 2019 Annuziata Loiudice (University of Bari), Efroymson Lecture Series: An introduction to Lorentz Spaces and applications
- April 29, 2019 Annunziata Loiudice (University of Bari), Efroymson Lecture Series: An introduction to Lorentz Spaces and applications I
Fall 2018
- October 04, 2018 Ivan Deutsch (UNM), The Second Quantum Revolution
- October 18, 2018 Petr Vorobieff (UNM), Shock-accelerated multiphase flows: some recent findings
- October 25, 2018 Alexander Watson (Duke University), Wave-packet dynamics in locally periodic media
- November 08, 2018 Hongnian Huang (UNM), The smooth property of the Calabi Flow
- November 15, 2018 Roberto Camassa (University of North Carolina), Hydrodynamic models and boundary confinement effects
- November 29, 2018 Jinbo Ren (University of Virginia), Transcendental Number Theory in Algebraic Geometry
- December 13, 2018 Jose Conde Alonso (Brown University), Sparse bounds: history and open questions
Spring 2018
- January 18, 2018 Kenneth Duru (Stanford University), High fidelity numerical methods and simulation tools for time-domain wave propagation problems
- January 22, 2018 Jacob Schroder (Lawrence Livermore), Parallel Multigrid Solvers in Space and Time for Future Architectures
- January 25, 2018 Brian Von Koten (University of Chicago), Stratified Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- February 08, 2018 Sergey Grigorian (University of Texas, Rio Grande), Flows of co-closed G2-structures
- February 15, 2018 James Dereck Tucker (Sandia), Elastic Functional Data Analysis
- February 22, 2019 Yiliang Zhu (UNM), Statistics Colloquium
- March 6, 2018 John Lewis (Sandia), Bayesian Modeling of Self-Exciting Marked Point Processes with Missing Histories
- March 22, 2018 Fritz Gesztesy (Baylor University), Trace formulas and zeta functions for differential operators - or, a spectral theorist computes pi
- April 12, 2018 Olli Tapiola (University of Missouri), Characterizing geometry by using properties of harmonic functions
- April 26, 2018 Min Wang (Texas Tech), An Introduction to Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for ANOVA Designs
- May 03, 2018 Joe Klobusicky (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Particle system models for two-dimensional grain boundary coarsening
- May 09, 2019 Nick Mystrom, Sports "Game Changers"
Fall 2017
- September 14, 2017 Matt Blair (UNM) L^p norms and global harmonic analysis
- September 28, 2017 Jacob Perry (University of North Carolina), Local energy estimates for wave equations with degenerate trapping
- October 03, 2017 David Vella (Skidmore College), Words within Words: An Approach to the Catalan Numbers and Fine Numbers
- November 02, 2017 Dimiter Vassilev (UNM), Analysis on Sub-Riemannian Spaces
- November 09, 2017 Mohammad Motamed (UNM), Hybrid Fuzzy-Stochastic Predictive Modeling and Computation
- November 16, 2017 Jehenzeb Chaudhry (UNM), A posteriori analysis for the Poisson Boltzmann Equation
- November 30, 2017 Jake Fillman (Virginia Tech), Spectral Properties of Quasicrystals
Spring 2017
- January 19, 2017 Vakhtang Putkaradze, Variational methods for fluid-structure interactions
- February 09, 2017 Oleksiy Kononenko (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Stanford University), Advances in Massively Parallel Electromagnetic Simulation Suite ACE3P
- February 20, 2017 Fletcher Christensen (UC Irvine), Detection Dependence in Modeling Binary Response Data: A Bayesian Approach
- February 28, 2017 Chris Nachtsheim (University of Minnesota), Definitive screening as a system for experimental design
- March 02, 2017 Clément Coine (University of Bourgogne - Franche-Comté), Triple operator integrals valued in trace class operators
- March 07, 2017 Gabor Szekelyhidi (University of Notre Dame), Kahler-Einstein metrics
- March 09, 2017 Arup Chattopadhyay (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati & UNM), Rank of a shift invariant subspace of the Hardy space H2 over the bidisc
- March 21, 2017 Simone Calamai (University of Firenze), About Hermitian metrics whose scalar curvature of the Chern connection is constant
- March 23, 2017 Rodrigo Platte (Arizona State University), Windowed Fourier approximation of analytic functions on the sphere
- March 30, 2017 Milijove Lukic (Rice University), KdV equation with almost periodic initial data
- April 06, 2017 Allan Greenleaf (University of Rochester), Propagation of singularities in Calderón's inverse conductivity problem
- April 13, 2017 Cynthia Phillips (Sandia), Combinatorial Optimization for national security applications
- April 18, 2017 Ricardo Saenz (Universidad de Colima), How does a fractal vibrate?
- April 20, 2017 Tiziana Giorgi (NMSU), Chevron structures in smectic A liquid crystals
- April 26, 2017 Erik Erhardt (UNM), Statistical literacy: What do future senators, scientists, social workers and sales clerks need to learn from your statistics classes?
- April 27, 2017 Ciprian Demeter (Indiana University), Decoupling and applications: a journey from continuous to discrete
Spring 2020
- 3/3/2020 Brandon, Butcher (The University of Iowa), Ph.D. candidate, A Formal MCMC Convergence Diagnostic for Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
- 2/28/2020 Hengrui Luo (The Ohio State University), Ph.D. candidate, Lower Dimensional Topological Information: Theory and Applications
Fall 2019
- 10/25/2019 Joe Cavanaugh (University of Iowa), Professor, Models for Overdispersed Count Time Series with Excess Zeros
Spring 2019
- 2/15/2019 J. Derek Tucker (Sandia National Lab), Ph.D., Elastic Functional Data Analysis
- 4/25/2019 Emily Casleton (LANL), Ph.D., Multi-Source Data Fusion and Imputation Methods
Fall 2018
Spring 2018
- 2/21/2018 Yiliang Zhu (The University of New Mexico), Professor, Mixture modeling of CD4 counts and viral load dynamic trajectories in HIV/AIDS patients
- 3/6/2018 John Lewis (Sandia National Lab), Ph.D., Bayesian Modeling of Self-Exciting Marked Point Processes with Missing Histories
Fall 2017
Spring 2017
- 2/18/2017 Christopher Nachtsheim (University of Minnesota), Definitive screening as a system for experimental design
- 2/20/2017 Fletcher Christensen (University of Irvine), Detection Dependence in Modeling Binary Response Data: A Bayesian Approach
- QuantBrains UNM/MRN Research Seminar Series
- A collaboration between the UNM Department of Mathematics and Statistics and The Mind Research Network organized by Prof. Erik Erhardt (Stats, UNM/MRN), Dr. Robyn Miller (Pure Math, MRN), and Dr. Flor Espinoza (Applied Math, MRN).
- 2/10/2017 Manel Martínez Ramón (UNM), A quick look into Machine Learning
- 2/24/2017 Victor Vergara (UNM), Testing for Brain Functional Organization: a Random Matrix Approach
- 3/10/2017 Rogers Silva (Mind Research Network), Advances in Blind Source Separation Modeling for Unimodal and Multimodal Brain Imaging Data Analysis
- 4/7/2017 Erik Erhardt (UNM), Visualizing scientific data
- 4/21/2017 David Bridwell (Mind Research Network), Cortical dynamics that contribute to cognition and perception, EEG
- 5/5/2017 Panel discussion, Wrap-up
Fall 2016
- QuantBrains UNM/MRN Research Seminar Series
- A collaboration between the UNM Department of Mathematics and Statistics and The Mind Research Network organized by Prof. Erik Erhardt (Stats, UNM/MRN), Dr. Robyn Miller (Pure Math, MRN), and Dr. Flor Espinoza (Applied Math, MRN).
- 8/26/2016 Robyn Miller, Flor Espinoza, Erik Erhardt (Mind Research Network, MRN, and UNM), QuantBrains: Introduction to Human Brain Imaging
- 9/9/2016 Vince D. Calhoun (Mind Research Network and UNM), Magnetic resonance physics and fMRI
- 9/23/2016 Arvind Caprihan (Mind Research Network), Biological Basis of Diffusion Imaging
- 10/7/2016 Eswar Damaraju and Erik Erhardt (Mind Research Network and UNM), Group independent component analysis
- 10/21/2016 Robyn Miller and Erik Erhardt (Mind Research Network and UNM), Dynamic brain network connectivity
- 11/4/2016 Sergey Plis (Mind Research Network), Understanding interactions in the brain via graphical models
- 11/18/2016 Alvaro Ulloa (Mind Research Network), Specialized Deep Learning
- 12/2/2016 Flor A. Espinoza (Mind Research Network), Understanding functional connectivity differences
Spring 2016
Fall 2015
- 10/02/2015 Luis Enrique Nieto-Barajas (ITAM, Mexico), Order‐q dependent stochastic processes in Bayesian applications
Spring 2015
Fall 2014
- 9/19/14 Christine Anderson-Cook (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Some Emerging Research Areas in Response Surface Methodology
- 11/7/14 Wayne Nelson (Consultant, ASA Fellow), Graphical Analysis of Recurrent-Events Data with Applications to Engineering, Medicine, Marketing, and Other Fields
Spring 2014
Fall 2013
Spring 2013
- 4/30/13 Harry Khamis (Wright State University), Multigraph Representations of Hierarchical Loglinear Models