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Student organized and lead "Directed Reading Program" (DRP)

Graduate and undergraduate students have teamed up to offer the "Directed Reading program" (DRP).  This is the brainchild of first-year graduate student Austin Bell who benefited from such a program in his undergraduate institution, he has found kindred spirits in the department. From the DRP's departmental webpage: 

The Math DRP is a UNM student organization since Spring 2021, which pairs interested undergraduates and graduate students for independent study projects. Undergrads and math grad students will work through a math book or paper together over the course of a semester, culminating in presentations from the undergraduate on a fun thing they learned. In select cases, undergrads may be able to conduct research with the grads.

Our goal is to enable motivated undergraduates to engage with math in more depth and breadth than a classroom setting typically allows, and to foster a tight-knit mathematically community at UNM.

Thank you Austin, James, Nic, and Franklin for organizing DRP and to all the graduate students (8) and undergraduate student (11) who participated in Spring 2021.