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Math Camp at UNM

If you have been around the department this week (June 27 - July 1, 2022) you would have seen lots of youngsters and adults (all properly masked) and math models on SMLC atrium area and in our  classrooms and seminar rooms.  It is heartwarming! 

This is all part of CAMP for Algorithmic Mathematical Play  a summer vacation for math kids organized by grownup math kids. They  know that these children are capable of incredible things and they need an environment where they have real peers, where there are no intellectual limits, and where they are still allowed to be kids. Founded by mathematicians and parents, this residential camp helps these mathy kids explore mathematics, the foundations of computer science, and more. The local organizers are Anita Chou (Director of CAMP) and Rolfe Schmidt (Academic Director).

Prior to  COVID Janet Vassilev as Director of the Math Contest had facilitated previous editions of the camp at UNM. After two years offering a virtual camp they are back in person and we hope this fruitful relation with the department continues!

Thanks to our DA Amy Hathaway for opening SMLC and working with CAMP to make this possible.