Analysis Seminar: Mariana Smit Vega Garcia (Western Washington University)
Event Description:
Location: Zoom
Meeting ID: 968 3215 4356
Passcode: 31415926
Title: Almgren-type monotonicity formulas
Abstract: In this talk, we will explore the celebrated Almgren’s monotonicity formula. This beautiful result with far-reaching consequences states that if u is harmonic in the unit ball, then a certain frequency function N(r) is non-decreasing. Moreover, N(r)=k for all r<1 if, and only if, u is homogeneous of degree k. We will then discuss some of the many applications of this formula, and recent developments connected to it. This is based on joint work with Blair Davey.
About the Speaker: Mariana Smit Vega Garcia is a Professor at Western Washington University. Previously she was an Acting Assistant Professor at the University of Washington, working with Prof. Tatiana Toro, and a post-doc under the supervision of Prof. Georg Weiss, first at Heinrich Heine Universität and then at the Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany). She obtained her PhD in Mathematics at Purdue University (US), and her master's and bachelor's at the Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil). Her primary research interests lie in Geometric Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, particularly free boundary problems. She has also been working on Combinatorics.
Event Contact
Contact Name: Maxim Zinchenko